Add Citrix Receiver shade (toolbar) to IGEL OS v11

Something that I use all the time when I am working in a Citrix session is the Citrix drop in bar, or shade as it is sometimes known (also known as the Citrix Connection Bar). This can be used for a number of things, sich as controling the size of the window, sending CTRL+ALT+Del to the Citrix sessions.


Above is what this looked like coming from a Windows client running v. Now, when connecting from an IGEL (Linux) thin client, this option is not available out of the box. Before IGEL OS11, it involved a nasty little hack that required configuring a profile with some code. If the below snipit looks like fun, then you can go that route.

grep -q -F ‘ConnectionBar’ /services/ica/ICAClient_19./config/All_Regions.ini | sed -i ‘305 i\ConnectionBar=true ‘ /services/ica/ICAClient_19./config/All_Regions.ini

But there is a much easier way now. In UMS, edit a profile and browse to system - registry.

In the “Search Parameter” box search for “toolbar”, or you can drill down to ICA - enable-toolbar

From there, apply the profile to a thin client and reboot the thin client. Believe me, even is you say “apply now” it will not work. A reboot is needed.

Enjoy the new Citrix toolbar on IGEL OS.